Have you seen the above sign when you've shopped at IKEA? Have you wondered what it's all about? And has this wondering gone on for quite a few years? Well, this was the year for our questions to be answered. A nice friend gave us a specific invitation, and another friend picked up our tickets well in advance. Apparently this Julbord is quite the hot ticket item for the season.
Here is the line waiting to be admitted into the dining area on the third floor. It was closed to the general public on this night.
And here's the basket of tickets from the waiters (not waitstaff waiters, but hungry customer waiters) in this long line. The whole procedure of getting in was really smooth, surprisingly smooth. The dining area was packed once the 6:30 seating group was admitted.
Eaters could go to two buffet lines (tables covered with festive plaid tablecloths) and smorgasbord was served: hard tack, rolls, cheese, cucumber salad, apple beet salad, potato salad, deviled eggs topped with shrimp, three types of salmon, sauces, korv, meatballs, lingon, boiled red potatoes and "party" potatoes, UFF DA!!!
I confess to hitting the dessert table before being seated.
My table view included these three Dala horses. It also included friends who took this picture of my date clad in his Dad's favorite Nordic sweater.
That chocolate ball soon was history!! Yum!!!
We really had a fun time...the food was great, the ambience was festive and cheery and the price was right. $12.99 for all this? Uff da, uff da, UFF DA! We'll make this a new tradition for the holidays.
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