Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Mystery Reader

Do you know what (who) a "Mystery Reader" is? Nope, not one who reads mystery novels. No, not one whose identity remains shrouded while reading a book. A "Mystery Reader" is one who goes to a classroom to read aloud to the students. The kids know someone is coming, just not who this person is and how they are connected to one particular student. The reader could be a mom or dad, grandparent or relative or friend. And last week it was my turn to be the MR!

Back in the day when I was still an employed woman in a public library in the Children's Department 
(Three cheers for CMPL!!!), I often assisted patrons who came in to find "Mystery Reader" books to bring to the classroom. What fun it was to match up titles to active, excited listeners! One day I hoped to have a turn myself as a MR! And it all came true last Friday afternoon.

As I waited outside the classroom for my cue to come in, I got the chance to check out her locker. She has inherited the stuff-it-all-in-and-walk-away-gene just like someone else I know and love! I heard the teacher give these clues:

The Mystery Reader is a grandmother.

There is a girl in this class with this grandmother.

The girl in this class has sisters.

And, because these kids are so smart, they guessed the girl to be E and I walked in. It may have helped that E was wearing a birthday crown for the guessers to be so quick.

I read these two books that are her favorites:
Yes, they are both a bit girly. But both have great messages - the first one with the message of being resourceful and helping out a friend in need and the second with a sweet relationship between a mother and her daughter as she outgrows her clothes.

It was so much fun to be back in the classroom again with such adorable kids!
I admit to being especially drawn to the one in the back row, top left, in the yellow shirt!