We are on the last day of our Geezermoon and heading home! Our last two nights have been spent in Indianapolis and we lucked out by staying at The Alexander where art rules...over 60 pieces of art displayed in the lobby, hallways, restaurant and each single hotel room. The above piece is in the lower lobby entrance and is called Standing Wave by Alyson Skota.
With clear acrylic, it is a reflective masterpiece as sun hits it in different ways throughout the course of the day.
Following the stairway up to the main floor lobby, one sees these lights leading to the Plat 99 restaurant/"Mixology Lounge" by artist Jorge Pardo.
Each light is different and the vibe here is cool, cool, cool.
Now for the records - the albums, that is.
The birds flying from the vintage record player are actual albums with recording artist labels still visible.
The artist, Paul Villinski, found these mud-covered albums in the debris on the curb following the aftermath of hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.
This piece is expansive and reaches out to two surrounding walls.
And now for the combs---3,840 of them to be exact.
Teeth of the comb are manipulated/removed to form a larger (huge) rendering of beauty empire magnate, Madame C.J. Walker who was born shortly after the end of slavery.
Yes, all combs! The artist, Sonya Clark, really sunk her teeth into this art piece!
Who would like to sleep, eat and be sheltered in an art gallery? The Alexander is the place for you if your travels take you to the fine city of Indianaplois!!
Wow! It looks like you stayed in a museum! The piece made of combs is especially cool. Sounds like you had a great getaway. -Linnea