Monday, January 7, 2013

The 2013 Word

Nope, no resolutions for me as a new year starts. 
 Instead, I choose one word and try to cajole myself into living a better, kinder, gentler, more "aware" life based upon the definition of that particular word.
In year's past my words have been a bit on the eclectic side: zip, turnover, mindful, savor. 
To me they have special meanings and have inspired my journey along the course of 365 days.
(Mindful was my biggest failure as I still couldn't seem to remember
on day #364 where I placed my glasses or keys.)
For the past month, I have been tossing around several words in my mind for THE word
of 2013.  The last week of thought has cemented my word as something to reach for as the days unfold in this new year.  Before the word is revealed, I present to you a pictorial challenge
to see if you can guess my four letter 2013 word:
Hint:  Starts with a "t" and ends with an "m."
And it also has something to do with one of my favorite sayings:
Give up?
The word is t--r--i--m. Trim.
It's about using trim (notions) in my sewing room stash.
It's about sprucing up around the house - painting trim if necessary.
It's about making sensible choices to stay fit -- and trim.
And, noting that I like to "collect," it's about trimming down the possessions to a lighter load.
This is tricky because I really do use a lot of the things stored on shelves and in closets.
And I am sentimental.  But do I really need so much stuff?  NO!
 You really can't take it with you and there are others who would welcome
clothing, books, furniture and such.  I'm all for donating instead of trashing.
Now please excuse me...a box is waiting to be filled.  A project for Miss E's birthday is
calling my name that has do do with trims.
  And a nice salad beckons me.  Well, maybe not so nice, but oh well.