Monday, July 14, 2014

Happy Bird-day to You!

Each summer, five of our family
 members (all the adults but me) celebrate their birthdays
within a three week time period.  Being the party animal that I am, we celebrate with a different theme every year.  Last year it was "Monkey Business" and in past years we have done dinosaurs (complete with an erupting volcano), pirates (Rrrrrrr, Maties!), pink flamingos, etc.

Our five celebrants pose on our cabin dock.

This year I was inspired by a box of wooden birds I found at an estate sale.
Should the theme be:
"Birds of a (birthday) Feather Stick Together"
"Bird Brains"
"The Early (birthday) Bird Catches the Worm"
Hmmm.  How about plain ol'
Happy Bird-day to You!
With that in mind I got out my rubber stamps and got to work.
They all got the same presents:  gift cards to local restaurants, coupons for babysitting and a bit of "funny money."

The Grands got goodie bags, too.  Books and small, colorful balls to fly through the air. The flat wooden birds were from the estate box and were painted with their initials.
Here are the gift bags for the birthday guys.

Since we celebrated at our cabin, there was a bit of decorating to do.  I walked just a few feet away and got a fallen tree branch, attached wooden birds to the branch (thread) and hung it from a ceiling beam.
Using paint and paintbrush I made the greeting.
The deer that hangs in the cabin (a family conquest), held the treat bags for the Grands. He dressed in his party hat.

A blow up owl was hanging around, too!
Whoooo's getting older and wiser?

Then the table was set to introduce the party birds to their theme.
Bird masks, box of wooden birds, paints.

Every one got a feathered mask to wear except for the smallest two.  K Man is into hats so he got one of those instead.  Miss M got a beanie cardinal.


Flowers from the forest were picked to use in table decorations.
Do you see the origami owl hiding in the bouquet?
Lou Malnati's pizza was transported up North and we had this as our dinner...yum!
And an ice cream cake was brought in from Wisconsin...double yum!
Then it was time for a bit of birding!

Miss E really got into it!  She made a green polka-dotted,
coral-headed, blue-bodied masterpiece!
Anne and Jed hard at work.
John showing off  "Petey" with pride.
Kari is quite the artist, too!
It was really a lot of fun!
Happy Birthday,
John, Jed, Kari, Anne
and Wes!!
(Does this count as a Tweet on Twitter?)

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